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The best way to increase your vertical leap seems to have become a sort of mystery
these days; athletes wonder why the guy with really skinny legs can jump high, as
well as the really muscular one with thick legs; they wonder why jumping off one
leg is so much easier for some and more difficult for others; they wonder why
so many workouts can yield so little results. Strength training itself can yield wonderful results
and will also maximize the effectiveness and safety of explosive and plyometric training.THE TRUTH ABOUT
PLYOMETRICSPlyometrics are easily the most prescribed form of training for increasing jumping ability. If you
want to increase your vertical leap, the goal is to increase the force that your
body can generate. It makes so much sense when a person first hears about fast
and slow muscle contraction to only train with plyometric drills. How does one explain that
Olympic sprinters can squat at least twice their own body weight? What most people do
not realize is that there are different goals one can shoot for using different principles
within strength training. You should never choose to move slowly.The smart first step in vertical
training is to develop a base of strength. That same sprinter is likely to not
be able to do a full squat with proper form, again because mobility of the
hips is lacking.Bottom line, inflexibility limits ROM and limits speed of motion. People have come
up with three classifications (type I slow twitch, type IIB fast twitch, and type IIA,
which are fast but not as fast as type IIB) but in fact there is
a broad continuum of many more than three types. If your core is unstable, you
will not be able to apply force to it to propel it into the air.
Squats and deadlift are the most fundamental lower body lifts. When you squat down to
jump or pull your arm back to throw, you are using elastic strength to add
force to the motion. Let's say Timmy weighs 150 pounds and can exert a maximum
of 500 pounds of force on his center of mass (COM) in the range of
the jumping motion. Therefore, it is incorrect to offer a single program and guarantee a
certain result to anybody who tries it. Drills like jump squats and bounding are of
medium intensity. This is the most familiar muscle quality and the most commonly trained. If
an athlete trains using slow movements, his or her fast twitch fibers will act more
like slow twitch. Improper movement leads to higher stress on body structures. I began sharing
what I've learned with whoever I can, because I am yet to find a complete,
accurate source of information available for all. Therefore, it is wise to continue increasing core
strength throughout your entire athletic career.MUSCLE FIBER TYPESYou may have heard about fast and slow
twitch muscle fiber. Timmy never got to use all his force. What they are important
for is creating stability.Stability is a very important factor in jumping. The trick is that
the desired motion must immediately follow the stretch to prevent the energy from dissipating. Unknowing
athletes are vulnerable to poor information supplied by the ease of publication on the internet.
This ability is improved by exercises that require fast muscle contraction; Olympic lifts (clean, snatch,
jerk) and plyometric drills are the most common. You couldn't get it very high, because
the jello is unstable. This is a hard concept to explain, because you can't really
picture force transfer, but I'll do my best. The SSC uses all three in quick
succession) The human body naturally uses a countermovement before powerful motions in order to take
advantage of this elastic strength. It's possible that I could have also made gains using
only plyometrics, but then I would have had no strength to use when I did
more training in high school. One kid had using a stair climber as part of
his jump training; another wanted to know how long it would be before he could
dunk if he jumped rope every day; a 5'7" 13 year old girl wanted to
dunk before high school; the list of the poorly informed goes on and on. High
intensity plyometrics lower the sensitivity of the GTO to allow a larger net force in
one direction. For athletes, especially those who wish to jump higher, the goal needs to
be to get stronger and more explosive. The ball creates instability, your arms will wobble,
and energy is lost making the pushup quite difficult. In my training programs, you will
do some reps that are slow, but they will be slow because you literally cannot
move the weight any quicker. I hope to equip you with knowledge that will help
you train intelligently for the rest of your life. Also, it is far more common
for young athletes to lack strength than lack plyometric ability. Think about this... Or imagine
trying to jump on ice. For this to be done effectively, you have to joint
and core stability. (Quick note: Lengthening muscle contraction is called eccentric, shortening is concentric, static
is isometric. These exercises and their variations utilize the stretch reflex. On the other hand,
how many middle school kids are in the weight room doing squats? A typical young
athlete will see limited results from plyometric training, because there is very little strength reserve
to draw from. Many people are looking for one magical workout or even one exercise
that will make them a superstar. Many people say that squats will only slow you
down, weigh you down, and decrease your flexibility. What needs to be understood is that,
although type I fibers are not as fast as type II, they still reach full
contraction force in less time than it takes to jump and, thus, are tn requin fully utilized.
These force numbers are purely hypothetical, but 2/10 of a second is a common duration
of the jumping motion. This is far superior to just giving you common exercises and
assuming they will be effective.STRENGTH TRAININGStrength training has been dismissed by many when it comes
to increasing jumping ability. Everyone wants money for their "secret breakthrough formula." Quality jump training
is not a secret or a mystery, and I do not believe an athlete should
have to pay $40 for a list of exercises and a chart of numbers. Imagine
trying to throw a big cube of jello up into the air. These are drills
that most athletes can do effectively without risk of injury. This helps precise motor control
and also protects the joint. They train for size and definition. The guys who compete
in those may be big, but they're nowhere near as big or chiseled as some
of the professional bodybuilders. As Timmy begins the jumping motion, his body is not generating
that 500 pounds of force yet. Now think, is high speed movement allowed at the
edges of a joint's ROM? No. Therefore, the flexibility at a joint needs to exceed
the ROM required for athletic movements, so that the joints can move quickly with no
resistance.In addition to improving athletic movements flexibility is also crucial in injury prevention. Recall the
golgi tendon organ mentioned earlier; it prevents high tension in the muscle-tendon complex that could
cause injury. But in sports, you are going to want to be able to maintain
that core stability in all kinds of positions, moving in all directions, and with contact
from other players. Supporters of this opinion base it on the fact that world class
olympic lifters often have verticals of 36 inches or more. Rather it is the ability
of the nervous system to quickly stimulate muscle fibers that is the focus of this
training.The third ability that contributes to jumping is elastic strength. Slow movement in lifting is
for bodybuilders. Two, poor joint mobility leads to improper movement. This is true to an
extent, but you will likely discover at some point that jump training is not quite
that easy.The truth is that there are three different muscle, tendon, and nerve abilities that
contribute to jumping, or most athletic movements for that matter. This mystery status of vertical
jump training has led to a tendency to seek out new, revolutionary exercises and products;
a mystery has to have a crazy answer, right? Thus, we see bizarre products like
calf isolators, jumpsoles, and vertimax, and there are plenty of programs offering "revolutionary training" from
"vertical jump experts." There is also a gravitation towards less familiar, less traditional exercises. When
you jump, the force that sends your body upwards comes from the floor. Exercises that
use this type of contraction have been labeled "plyometrics." This type of training is what
increases elastic strength.Vertical jump training needs to be tailored to the individual strengths and weaknesses
of an athlete in the areas that have been mentioned. Those who are not as
gifted genetically surely should not throw in the towel on jump training or becoming a
great athlete in general.There is an entire spectrum of muscle fiber twitch speed. On every
rep you complete in a workout, you should focus on being explosive. The tap on
the patellar tendon stretches the quadriceps muscle fast enough to activate a contraction. Note though,
that exercises that use fast movement do very little to increase the maximum strength of
the muscle. The term for the muscle contraction involving a stretch followed by fast shortening
is plyometric. Muscles cannot instantly exert their maximum force; it takes a little bit of
time to activate all the muscle fibers. Now consider elasticity. The back squat is an
example of a resistance training exercise used in jump training. Is that the primary factor
affecting athleticism? Absolutely not. Take a look at the World's Strongest Man competitions. This is
the reason for the gap between strength and jumping ability.Consider this scenario... Built into human
muscles are devices called muscle spindles that detect the rate of change in length of
a muscle. That is why I spent years developing a jump training program.Daniel Back is
an aspiring athlete and vertical jump and strength specialist for Complete Game Athletics. They utilize
the stored energy in an elastic stretch to add force to joint movement. This is
an involuntary neurological function demonstrated by the familiar doctor's office procedure of tapping the knee
to invoke a kick. A basketball player who cannot squat his own bodyweight will hardly
benefit from a plyometric program, and a bodybuilder who squats twice his bodyweight will experience
little gain from adding 20 pounds to his max squat. Put that same cube of
jello in a pan, and you will be able to throw it much higher despite
the extra weight, because the pan makes it stable, allowing you to apply force to
it. You must have stability in your legs and torso for the purpose of transferring
force. Therefore, it is far more important to train the nervous system to excite more
motor units faster than to have those motor units be made of fast twitch fibers.
The second ability is rate of force development, more simply stated as explosiveness. This is
the ability of muscles and tendons to store energy in a stretch and utilize it
in the following contraction. This process, called the stretch-shortening cycle (SSC), is what causes a
higher jump from an approach than from a standstill. The key to a successful program
is determining what combination of strength training and plyometric training will be the most effective.
The muscle action used in sports and games during sprinting, cutting, and jumping is plyometric.
Your body generates force that pushes down on the floor. In nike tn the same way, muscles
and tendons cannot just keep growing more and more elastic. Also, tendons contain a built-in
device called a golgi tendon organ, which senses tension and sends an inhibitory signal to
the associated muscle and triggers a contraction in the antagonist muscle, reducing the net force
in the direction of joint movement. Likewise, using maximum speed movements causes slow twitch fibers
to act faster.Therefore, please do not feel like you have no chance of becoming a
great athlete because you are not as genetically gifted as some may be. The stretch
reflex occurs when the muscle spindle triggers a contraction of the associated muscle in order
to return it to a given length. This promotes increases in speed of force development
and elasticity of the muscle-tendon complex, both of which are crucial to jumping. Think about
a rubber band. The faster that muscle length is changed, the greater a contraction the
stretch reflex will cause. You may have read that only fast twitch fibers are used
in jumping and sprinting; you may have read that getting faster or jumping higher is
not very possible unless you are one of the people blessed with a high percentage
of fast twitch fibers. But if they get stronger, (just like a rubber band gets
thicker) and the level of elasticity is maintained, their elastic strength will increase.Therefore, developing maximum
strength should be the first step in jump training. The first ability is maximum strength;
this is the largest amount of force that a muscle can exert. When this involuntary
neurological action is combined with voluntary muscle contraction, the force output is extremely high. Again,
this will vary between athletes, so it is necessary to evaluate strengths and weaknesses before
creating a training program. There are lifters who can squat a ton but are not
very good athletes, but this is because they do not train for athleticism. At the
end of the ROM, muscles are uncomfortable and weak. At 1/10 of a second, his
legs are putting out 215 pounds of force, and his COM is accelerating faster. The
common misconception is that type II fibers are the only ones that are used for
explosive movements like jumping. However, if you understand some things about the human body, it
can be easy to create an intelligent and effective training plan. Try feeling your abs
while you jump; they naturally flex quite hard to make your torso rigid.Most athletes will
have enough core stability that it won't limit them in a movement like a standing
jump. You would push down, but you would not go up because the trap door
would collapse instead of pushing back like the floor would.Now, knowing that the force that
propels your body comes from the ground, it makes sense that the force has to
be transferred through your legs to your center of mass, which is in your torso.
Since the jumping motion does not include flexion of the torso, your abdominal muscles do
not actually contribute force to your jump. The two original plyometric drills, depth jumps and
depth drops, are of the highest intensity. Do these people have an advantage? Yes. Try
to throw the weight through the ceiling. As a 13 year old, I added 12
inches to my vertical in about 7 months using only strength training. So why is
it that many athletes see little to no gains from performing this type of training?
The answer is that both speed of force development and elastic strength are limited by
maximum strength. An effective training plan must take into consideration all the facets of vertical
jumping. try to do a pushup with your hands planted on an exercise ball. Simple
enough right? Just lift weights, and your muscles will grow; your legs will be stronger,
and you'll jump higher. My goal is to eliminate the confusion with simple, factual information.The
truth is that every athlete is different and will need to do training that fits
his or her individual abilities. The much larger factor in explosiveness is the speed at
which groups of fibers called motor units are stimulated by the nervous system. The best
approach to increasing vertical leap ability for a young athlete is to first develop maximum
strength while continuing to engage in athletics to promote the transfer of strength to athletic
performance. 2/100 of a second after his muscles began to develop force, he is putting
out 150 pounds, and his COM begins to accelerate upwards. According to Newton's 3rd law,
the floor will push back with the exact same amount of force. Timmy does a
successful plyometric program and increases that number to 75%. Instead, I did have strength, and
I increased my vertical another 8 inches when I was 15, with very little of
the knowledge I have now.Exercises of all levels of intensity have been thrown into the
plyometric category with little explanation of their differences. First, there is obvious structural interference. Many
athletes learn about plyometrics and think that this different type of training which is specific
to jumping must be the answer. This is simply wrong. Imagine if you ran up
to jump, but the place where you planted your feet was a trap door. A
person who severely lacks speed of force development and elastic strength may see some results
from this type of program, but you cannot reach your full potential without gaining strength.
If a muscle is lengthened during a movement, it will slow that movement down if
it's tight. If your body segments can't move quickly, you cannot be athletic. In the
same way, your core must be solid for you to apply to it the high
amount of force required to send it high into the air. That's not the way
it works; things are a little more complicated than that. To demonstrate this, perform a
natural jump from a standstill and take note of how high you get. It is
common opinion that an athlete should be able to squat 1.5 times bodyweight before performing
these high intensity exercises; muscles and tendons need to be well developed to support the
extra force exertion. That time is small, but it is still longer than the time
it takes to jump, meaning that all the force a muscle can exert cannot be
utilized in a jump. Yes, I do have vertical jump training programs and exercise videos
available, but I also want you to understand the science behind the training.BASIC JUMP SCIENCEThe
height a projectile flies is determined by the velocity of the center of mass as
it leaves the ground. If your ankles, knees, or hips are wobbly, energy will be
lost. First, tighter muscles and tendons receive more stress and are more likely to become
inflamed, stretch in a bad way, or tear. Almost all vertical programs available today focus
on plyometrics; many completely eliminate strength training. The faster the initial upward velocity, the longer
it will take for gravity to decelerate the projectile, and the higher it will travel.
Take it from me; genetically, I'm fairly average, but I am certainly an above average
athlete. By 2/10 of a second, the force on his COM has grown to 350
pounds, but unfortunately his legs and back are fully extended; he's done jumping. Second, there
is neurological interference. High intensity plyometric drills involve rapid lengthening of muscles that provoke strong
reflexive contractions. Some other examples... Higher stress leads to injury.Flexibility is absolutely critical to becoming
a great athlete. The ice creates instability, so your jumping ability is limited. Is a
stronger rubber band made of more highly elastic material, or is it just thicker? It's
thicker. In the case of a human jumping, the projectile is the body, and the
initial velocity is determined by the acceleration of the center of mass due to the
force generated by the body. It's that simple. This is why an ankle or knee
sprain can continue to limit your athleticism even after the pain is gone, and your
muscles are back to full strength. Increased flexibility leads to less interference in force development
by the GTO.An example. The second jump should not be as high, because the energy
from the drop into the crouched position dissipates during the pause. Then do a jump
but pause for a second in the crouched position before exploding upward. Tight muscles limit
the amount of force that can be developed at a joint. They train for practical
strength, because they are athletes, not just masses of muscle. The goal for athletes is
to train to increase the percentage of their maximum force that can be generated quickly
enough for use in jumping and all athletic maneuvers. Developing it should be first priority,
along with developing strength.WHAT ABOUT ABS?What is the contribution of abdominal strength to jumping? Some
would say there is none, and they would be wrong. Or there is the opposite
opinion that squats and power lifts are the only thing needed for an exceptional vertical.
A sprinter who does not have good range of motion (ROM) in the hips cannot
flex and extend the hip far and fast enough to maximize stride length. Training explosively
is what increases this ability of the nervous system. He has achieved a 43-inch vertical
leap himself and has had great success training others. Effort and intelligence will get you
far in sports training and in life.I believe I have given you enough information to
help you make effective training plans on your own. In addition, although muscle fibers to
not completely transform from one end of the speed spectrum to the other, your body
does slightly alter the behavior of muscle fibers based on demands. The maximum force an
athlete's muscles can exert cannot be generated in that time. Therefore, plyometrics are excellent for
increasing jumping ability. The strength that bodybuilders gain is far less employable in sports. The
key to effective lifting is to apply that philosophy on every rep. But the point
is that there are faster and slower twitch fibers. Many products fall short in customization.FLEXIBILITYFlexibility
is a crucial factor in developing athletic ability, because it allows joints to be placed
in the proper positions for athletic movements and training movements. Young athletes are constantly training
elastic strength. There are lighter intensity exercises like ankle bounces and line hops. The activation
of the motor units is the process that takes longer than the jumping motion and
limits the amount of force put into explosive movements. Muscles and tendons that are inflexible
are more susceptible to injury, so the sensitivity of the GTO is higher. That is
why on my site, I provide methods for evaluating yourself, so you know which areas
you most need to work on. This means applying as much force as possible from
the beginning of your muscle contraction to the end, even if it is not at
all necessary to move the weight. This may sound incorrect. If he can only squat
100 pounds, will he see much improvement in his jump? No; he is utilizing a
larger portion of his max strength, but his max strength is too small for that
additional portion to mean much. This will result in faster, more explosive movement. It is
increased by common resistance training, which most people are familiar with. Let's say Timmy's muscles
can utilize 70% of their maximum force in a jump. However, I realize that many
readers are looking for actual jump workouts, and also many athletes need instruction in the
correct execution of exercises. For more info check out his sports training articles, instructional exercise
videos, and vertical jump programs at jump-science.com.
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